It’s been four years since Sesame Street Workshop, the nonprofit media and educational organization behind the beloved children’s television show “Sesame Street,” premiered Julia, a 4-year-old Muppet with autism in its storybooks and on its website. Part of the organization’s Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children initiative, Sesame Street Workshop introduced TV audiences to Julia in 2017.
On April 1, 2019, in commemoration of Autism Awareness Month 2019, Sesame Street Workshop announced it will launch new videos and other materials that feature Julia’s family including her parents, brother and companion dog.
“We’re thrilled to expand Julia’s world with her parents, big brother and her adorable dog, Rose, in our new resources” said Sherrie Westin, President of Global Impact and Philanthropy, Sesame Workshop in a press release. “Children with autism often face unique challenges, as do their parents and siblings. But every family faces challenges of some sort, which is why we are focusing on what all families have in common. In a family, everyone has different roles, challenges and strengths, and everyone can learn from one another.”
Among the new materials now available are several new videos that celebrate Julia’s family life; the “Circle of Friends” storybook; the “Playground Pals” digital interactive; and assorted articles and activities for families and caregivers. The materials are designed to prevent bullying by encouraging kindness and empathy; and to teach coping strategies for children with and without disabilities. Online viewers will also be able to view a video about the creation of Julia’s Muppet family members.
On our blog, we at Enabling Devices have been following Julia for the past several years. Given the latest statistics on the prevalence of autism from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — 1 in 59 American children are affected by autism spectrum disorders — it is extremely gratifying to see children with autism and their families depicted on TV, in books and in online programming. Enabling Devices offers a variety of products including communicators and sensory tools to enrich the lives of people with autism. We also provide free advice and design services for those interested in creating sensory rooms for people with autism and others. Sensory rooms have many benefits to people with autism including increasing concentration and focus; providing mental and physical relaxation; decreasing aggressive behaviors; promoting cognitive development; and increasing coordination and gross motor skills. For more information and to see our informational video, visit