Using Single Message Devices with the Phone
- Call for an appointment
- For emergency message by telephone
- Order a pizza over the phone
- “Talk” on the telephone to grandparents, other family members, or friends
- Invite a friend or family member to come visit, to eat dinner or attend a party
- Answer phone “Hi, this is Jane, please hold for my mom, dad, or roommate.”
Directions or Instructional Uses of Single Message Devices
- Indicate weather and what to wear out to play
- Indicate what is next on the daily schedule
- Make or modify a game so that it talks
- Share menu for lunch
- Use as labels for areas or centers in classroom
- Use as teaching prompt
- When mounted next to room, indicate location (you are at the bathroom, etc.)
Fun and Motivating Uses of Single Message Devices
- Tell Mother or Dad, “I love you”
- Cheer or root for a team
- Participate in a game (My turn)
- Call the cat or dog
- Tease others
- Tell a joke
- Tell a riddle
- Share the outcome of a game
- Share a secret with a friend
- Have a speaking part in a skit
- Use exclamations or interjections (Yeah, uh oh)
- Make funny noises or sound effects during a story
- Make interjections or funny noises in a song
Using Single Message Devices at School
- Answering “I’m Here.” during attendance
- Say the Pledge of Allegiance
- Indicate weather during circle time
- Tell about their Show and Tell item
- Tell something about themselves (favorite TV show, color, story, activity, etc.)
- Taking hall pass
- Send message with person when going on an errand (Attendance report)
- Tell the title of a story or book
- Say a repetitious line in a story
- Indicate “Turn the page.” during a story
- Ask to read it again or say “the end” at the end of a book
- Say poems and rhymes
- Take a survey
- Give directions such as “stir” in cooking class
- Make an announcement
- Give the weather
- Indicate when work is completed
Using Single Message Devices at Work
- Indicate that work has been finished (all done)
- Indicate the need for more work
- Ask for help
- Ask questions: What time is it?
- Indicate need for a break
- Tell what did at school or work that day
- Send a message home
- Send a message to school or work
- Tell what ate at lunch or break
- Tell what did over the weekend or the evening before
Using Single Message Devices for Fulfilling Social Etiquette Routines
- Start a conversation (What did you do this weekend? What did you think of the game?)
- Use for greetings (How are you doing? You look great today)
- Use for farewells (See you later. Have a good day.)
- When meeting new people, tell his/her name
- Personal information (name, address, phone number) to be carried with person
- Wish people Happy Holidays
- Wish someone a Happy Birthday
- Introduce family or friends
- Issue invitation to a party, or to go out for a visit
Using Single Message Devices in Daily Activities
- Draw attention (look what I did) socially acceptable
- Comment on own new haircut, shirt, glasses
- Ask a friend to play
- Sing a song or the chorus of a song
- Say grace/prayers
- Ask to do it again
- Ask questions
- Select a story, video or game
- Order at a restaurant
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