Understanding Multiple Message Static Display Devices
Multiple message static display devices range from 2 to 128 cells. A static display communication device has all of the messages displayed at one time. Static display devices may have levels meaning that that the device has more than one area or set of memory spaces to record more messages. When a different level is accessed, a different overlay or communication display is usually needed. Some multi-message devices can be configured to utilize grids with different numbers of cells (e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. cells) with the capacity to record and speak the appropriate number of messages for each grid/display/overlay.
Create and Use Generic/Standard Overlays or Displays for Recurring Events, Activities and Topics
- Going to a party
- Making snacks/meals (pudding, soup, sandwiches, salads)
- Preparing drinks (smoothies, milkshakes, Kool-Aid, etc.)
- Snack time
- Ordering fast food
- Playing a game
- Reading a book
- Arts/craft activity
- Shopping
- Going on an outing/field trip
- Going to a sporting event
- Going to a concert
- Attending a festival/fair/carnival
- Getting dressed
- Bath time
- Hygiene routines (tooth brushing, fixing hair, etc.)
- Social etiquette routines
- Comments page for use during conversations, TV shows, games, excursions etc. (Cool, That’s crazy, I like that. etc.)
- Read or retell short book, with each message cell representing a page
- Recite short poem, with each line a different message (or compose poem by selecting order in which lines are said)
- Share rules with classmates on the first day of school
- Announce the starters at a school or recreation league basketball game, then change overlays to cheer on the players
- Flirt, brag and gossip
- Have multiple lines in the school play
- Lead the class stretches during P.E.
- Call out questions for the classmates’ quiz
- Choose the order in which routine events are carried out (grooming, homework, chores, etc.)
- Remind Mom what to get while at the grocery store
- Select toppings for a pizza or hamburger
- Be conductor for a group of Christmas Carolers and tell them which song to sing next
- Select which classroom “station” to work in next
- Complete “Mad Libs” by selecting the word to fill the blank (ideal if addressing parts of speech)
- Make the animal sounds for a rousing rendition of Old McDonald’s Farm
- Deliver the children’s sermon at church
- Pick which restaurant the family will go to, and then change overlays to order a meal
- Select which load of laundry to do next (lights, darks, delicates, bleach, towels, etc.)
- Interview student leaders for the school newspaper (use a voice recorder to capture responses)
- Give a book report/book review
- Take visitors on a tour of the classroom, school, residential facility, etc.
- Play “I Spy” in the car
- Be a comedian in a talent contest
- Describe what you brought for Show and Tell
- Lead games – Mother May I, Simon Says
- Participate in church traditions: the Lord’s prayer, Apostle’s Creed, Amen, Peace be with you, etc.
- Talk about the big game last night
- Tell others about your birthday gifts
- Participate in fundraising activities, such as Girl Scout cookie sales
- Take attendance in small classes
- Read the minutes and/or take attendance at club meetings
- Review a movie/DVD
- Name celebrities or comment on clothing “On the Red Carpet”
- Tell what occurred on most recent reality show or who is remaining: “Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, America’s Got Talent, American Idol, etc.”
- Select or predict who should win American Idol/Dancing with the Stars, America’s Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance (etc.)
- Review a concert
- Talk about and describe a personal collection
- Describe the contents of a photo album or pictures on a digital photo frame
- Share reasons for being given an award
- Share event in which a medal was won
- Identify favorite team(s) and players
- Identify favorite star the latest news about that star and/or what they like about that person
- Show off pictures of pets and tell things the pet does
- Tell about trip, vacation or excursion
- Give directions for recipe or food
- Indicate how hair is to be cut and styled
- Tell the weather forecast for day/weekend/week
- Call instructions in a square dance
(c) Libby Rush 2024 – libbyrush@aol.com