Cheap Talks 4 Direct, Scan & Jacks CT8 Direct, Scan Y Jacks 3D.2024.Back CT8 Direct, Scan Y Jacks 3D.2024.Front
Cheap Talks 4 Direct, Scan & Jacks

Cheap Talks 4 & 8 – Direct, Scan & Jacks


Item #3050 is no longer available

Our popular Cheap Talks 4 & 8 now scan! Allows the use of single or dual switch scanning.

To view accessories for this item click accessories tab below.

Battery: 4 AA

ShippingReturns & Warranty


Warranty: 3 Months

100% Secure Checkout

Frequently Bought Together

Our popular Cheap Talks 4 & 8 now scans! Allows the use of single or dual switch scanning. A light illuminates sequentially above each message square and plays eight 5-second messages. These versatile units also allow direct activation by pressing the squares or 1 of the 8 external switches. Features a choice of eight different scanning options, including auditory cueing (see Download tab for complete description of the eight scan modes). The scanning speed is adjustable to accommodate a wide range of abilities. 4-message size: 12½”L x 6″W x 2½”H. Requires 4 AA Batteries. Weight: 1¼ lbs.; 8-message size: 12″L x 7½”W x 2¾”H. Requires 4 AA Batteries. Weight: 1½ lbs.

NOTE: Icon images shown not included. Sold separately Print It! Icon Maker #4069X.

  • Print It icon maker white product.
    This inexpensive Icon Maker enables users to print their own icons. Compatible with most of our communicators.

Questions and answers of the customers

    Can you connect a switch activated toy to the Cheap Talk 4 In-line direct, scan and jacks?
  1. Q Can you connect a switch activated toy to the Cheap Talk 4 In-line direct, scan and jacks?
    Asked by Toni on July 14, 2020 11:35 am
    A No, you can only do that for a Cheap Talk with Say it Play it in its name, like our #4055 4 plat communicator Say it Play it. All our Talkables are say it play it. #2400, 2401, 2402, 2403 & 8400.
  2. Can you just activate the message with the external switch without scanning?
  3. Q Can you just activate the message with the external switch without scanning?
    Asked by Toni on May 3, 2018 10:46 am
    A Only the 3050 Has jacks to access the messages via an external switch. But you would need a switch for each message. The 3051 8 message model only can access the messages via switch scanning or direct select.